You should choose Godparents for your child based on their ability to help you raise your child in the belief and teachings of the Catholic Church. The role of Godparent isn't an honorary duty on the day of baptism, but a lifetime of shared faith with the child.
There are to be one or two sponsors. If two sponsors, one should be male and the other female. If married, the Godparents must be married within the Catholic Church. If not married, the Godparent must not be living with someone. Both sponsors must be Baptized Christians. At least one sponsor must be:
Each Catholic sponsor from outside the parish should have our sponsor form signed by their pastor stating that they are a practicing Catholic. They should send the completed form into the Pastorate Office.
At least one parent must attend a Baptism class taught by a priest. They are offered the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Saint Lawrence Parish Hall at 1:15pm. They usually run about 2 hours. Contact the Pastorate Office to RSVP.
Part of Formation is done in the home through the class Reborn: You, Your Child, and the Heart of Baptism. You must view the videos, answer three questions, and bring your answers to the Baptism class.