Norms For Youth First Eucharist: Child Responsibilities:
“Children who participate with their family in the Mass experience the Eucharistic mystery in an initial way and gradually learn to join with the liturgical assembly in prayer.” 1. The child who is a candidate for the sacrament will be baptized and present proof of baptism. 2. The child, at a minimum, will have celebrated their seventh birthday. 3. The child will complete at least one (school) year of formal catechesis either in a parish Family Formation (St. Lawrence), or religious education program (St. Boniface), or approved Catholic home school, or parish school year prior too and the year of receiving the sacrament. 4. The child must understand that there is a difference between ordinary bread and wine & the Body and Blood of Christ prior to the reception of First Communion. 5. The child must be formed in such a way that they understand the Eucharist as a Sacrament of Initiation and as the central act of worship of the Catholic Church. 6. The child should participate at Mass each Sunday and Holy Day and participate in the Mass by being attentive to the action of the Mass & by engaging in responding with the assembly. 7. The child will attend catechetical instruction as set forth in these guidelines & as implemented by their parish. 8. The child must celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to their first reception of Eucharist.
Parents Responsibilities:
“The Christian family is ordinarily the first experience of the Christian community & the primary environment for growth in faith. Because it is ‘the Church of the home,’ the family provides a unique locus [setting] for catechesis. It is a place in which the word of God is received & from which it is extended. Within the Christian family, parents are the primary educators in the faith and ‘the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children.’” “Children’s preparation for first reception of the Eucharist begins in the home. The family has the most important role in communicating the Christian and human values that form the foundation for a child’s understanding of the Eucharist.” 1. Parents are welcome to participate in the sacramental life of the Church insofar as they are able. 2. Parents (or guardians) accompany their children to Mass each Sunday & Holy Day as well as to encourage them to participate in the Mass. 3. Parents understand the importance of helping to instruct their children in accordance with these guidelines and in cooperation with their pastor and parish catechetical leader. 4. Parents are expected to participate in the sacramental formation offered for them as set forth in these guidelines and provided by their parish.